Senin, 26 Oktober 2009
uukh mati lampu terus!!!
kayaknya gag bisa disebut kota lumbung nergi.. yang bener aja tiap sore mati lampu
kesel ni..
padahal tadi niatnya mau blajar.. eh,,,,, gara gara mati lampu.. urung deh..
jangan salahin deh kalo nilainya kecil akhir akhir ini..
Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009
Do You Belive in Love at The First Sight??
Not a believer? You just might be after reading these 10 true stories of love at first sight.
- Carolyn French,
In her recent interview for Playboy, cover girl Marge Simpson revealed how she knew Homer was the man she’d marry: "Well, when the doctor said I was pregnant, I heard a voice saying, 'That's the man you're going to marry.' The voice was my mother's."
Sigh. Whatever happened to love at first sight? After all, fairytales lead us to believe there is one special someone out there for each of us, and that we’ll know as soon as we meet him that he’s the person we’re meant to spend the rest of our lives with. But can that possibly be true? And will we really know on the spot?
Take a group of people aside and ask them the age-old question, “Do you believe in love at first sight?” and chances are you’ll walk away with a grab bag of responses. Whether it’s your neighborhood mailman or the twofaced suck-up in the office that you loathe, everyone has an opinion when it comes to this burning q. We heard from almost a hundred women and men on the subject, and while there were a few naysayers in the bunch, after reading through all the true tales of love at first sight we’re believers!
Here are 10 true tales of love at first sight:
- “I definitely believe in love at first sight - or maybe love at first meet. When I met my husband, I was immediately drawn to him, and he to me. It was like - ZOW! Who is this!? I first noticed his hands, as they fit mine perfectly. We spent the night together that first night, and have been together for over 10 years now (married since 2002). I love him more every day."
- Ada Vaugha, 38, Chicago suburbs, owner of CuteyBaby, LLC
- “When I was 18, I saw Joshua for the first time. He was standing in a doorway and I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. I looked at my friend who was standing by me and said, ‘That's the man that I'm going to marry.’ She looked at me like I was crazy and I didn't blame her - it sounded crazy to me. Then, we began dating and I broke all of the rules: I slept with him (on the first date), I told him that I loved him and that we were going to marry one day (on the second date), and then I moved in with him after we had been together for five years. After 12 years together, we are getting married in the beginning of next year. I am more in love with him now than ever. We have had our problems, but we have always worked them out.”
- Gina M. Gallo, 30, Louisiana, school librarian
- “Yes! I believe! I met my husband 16 and a half years ago when he rear-ended me in a car accident. I jumped out of the car and saw him and my heart literally stopped. Once we started a conversation, I was a goner. It was the way he looked directly into my eyes when he spoke to me. I was dating someone else at the time, but I still went straight to my grandmother’s house after the car accident and told her I had just met the man I was going marry. We’ve now been married for nine years and have a 5-year-old son.”
- Marie Melsheimer, 34, Oregon, marketing consultant
- “Absolutely, I do believe in love at first sight. I met my wife on February 15. She came for a job interview. And as soon as I shook her hand I knew I was going to marry her. Throughout the entire interview, I kept saying to myself, 'Why are we having this interview; we are going to get married.’ And did a year later! We have been married seven years.”
- James H. Solomon, II, PhD, 60, Florida, psychologist
- “I was waiting on the balcony of my apartment waiting for several fellow astronauts to arrive so that we could all go together to see Crosby Stills & Nash on June 3, 1990. As I was standing there, a guy drove up, got out of his car and looked around. I leaned over the balcony and said ‘Are you with us?’ He looked up, smiled the most incredible smile and said ‘I hope so.’ I went into the apartment and called a friend and said ‘I just saw the man I am going to marry and spend the rest of my life with.’ We moved in together in 1991 and married in 1992. And it is still amazing!”
- Dayna Steele, 50, Texas, motivational business speaker
- “I definitely believe in love at first sight, at any age! I was 59 years old when my husband of almost 25 years left me - for a man (but that's another story). Twelve days later, I joined an online dating service. Hey, life's too short, so why wait? Over a three-year period, I dated hundreds of men. Yes, hundreds. And then I met Peter. It was love at first sight. For both of us. I was attracted to his direct gaze, his instant smile and his overall presence. Now, we're living happily ever after, and I even wrote a book about it!”
- Dale Koppel, 66, Boston, author of The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Online Dating: And She Lived Happily Ever After
- “I had my eye on a man who I thought was very attractive, but the table plan meant I was seated next to someone else at a wedding breakfast. To my surprise, I immediately relaxed, sighed and thought ‘Ah, there you are!’ I first noticed his happy energy and lovely eyes. He was talking to the girl across the table and I thought, ‘Stop talking to him. He’s mine!!!’ Soon, he turned to me and started a conversation. He was right in every way. I had dreamed of him! At the beginning of next month, still in love, we celebrate our 36th wedding anniversary. So yes, I do believe in love at first sight. In fact, before I looked at him, he just felt right – as if I had come home.”
- Ingrid Collins, 65, UK, consultant psychologist at The London Medical Centre
- “The fellow I was dating at the time introduced me to my husband in 1986. I knew within an hour that John was the man for me from a simple game of soccer with his cat’s plastic ball. We married in 1988 and are living happily ever after. Yes, I definitely believe in love at first sight!”
- Phyllis Harber-Murphy, 56, Canada, virtual assistant
- “My husband and I first met on Valentine’s Day of 1982, on the balcony of a theater called La Paloma Theater in Encinitas, California. I was enthralled by the smile that filled his entire face. He knew immediately that I was his soul mate. It took a little bit longer for me to realize it. But yes, it can definitely happen. It happened for us. We have been together since the day we first met!”
- Patty Mooney, 54, San Diego, video producer and co-owner of Crystal Pyramid Productions
- “My husband and I met at a racquetball club more than 25 years ago. I was teaching aerobics; he was on the court. As I passed by the window he was about to take a shot and took a hit instead … he ran into the glass full force. The next night found us both in a local pub, at evening’s end he offered to drive me home. Instead, we ended up in a pizza place until 3:00 a.m. and when he finally dropped me off in the wee small hours of the morning I kissed him and told him I was more than likely going to fall head over heels in love with him. He didn’t even bat an eye when he asked me to have lunch with him later that day. My 12-year-old daughter adored him and within a month we moved in together. We celebrated our 25th anniversary on August 25 and we fall in love again with every kiss.”
- Carmen Borthwick, 56, British Columbia, freelance writer
So what do you say Bettys? Are you believers?
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623 Universitas Gadjah Mada
676 Institut Teknologi Bandung
906 Universitas Indonesia
1604 Universitas Gunadarma
1762 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
1960 Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom Institut ( Sekarang Teknologi Telkom (IT Telkom) )
2013 Universitas Kristen Petra
2063 Institut Pertanian Bogor
2152 Universitas Brawijaya
2159 Universitas Sebelas Maret
2672 Universitas Airlangga
2730 Universitas Padjadjaran
3016 Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
3026 Universitas Bina Nusantara
3138 Universitas Diponegoro
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3254 Universitas Sumatera Utara
3310 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
3338 Universitas Budi Luhur
3347 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
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3491 Universitas Lampung
3669 Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana
3821 Universitas Islam Indonesia
3950 Universitas Udayana
3983 Universitas Kristen Maranatha
4160 Universitas Riau
4394 Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
4430 Universitas Mercubuana
4572 Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
4623 Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
4780 Universitas Jember
4800 Universitas Negeri Semarang
sumber: Webometrics
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1 Teknik Elektro – ITB (62,5%)
2 Teknik Kimia – ITB (61,8%)
3 Pendidikan Dokter – UI (59,8%)
4 Teknik Informatika – ITS (59,5%)
5 Pendidikan Dokter – UGM (59,3%)
6 Teknik Industri – ITB (58,8%)
7 Teknik Elektro – UI (58,6%)
8 Pendidikan Dokter – UNAIR (58,6%)
9 Farmasi – UI (58,4%)
10 Pendidikan Dokter – UNPAD (58%)
11 Teknik Elektro – ITS (57,7%)
13 Pendidikan Dokter – UNDIP (57,5%)
14 Teknik Kimia/TGP – UI (57,4%)
15 Farmasi – ITB (57,4%)
16 Teknik Elektro – UGM (57,4%)
17 Teknik kimia – ITS (56,6%)
18 Ilmu Komputer – UGM (56,5%)
19 Pendidikan Dokter – UNSRI (56,5%)
20 Teknik Perminyakan – ITB (55,2%)
21 Teknik Fisika – ITB (55,1%)
22 Pendidikan Dokter – UNBRAW (55,1%)
23 Teknik Lingkungan – ITB (54,8%)
24 Teknik Kimia – UGM (54,8%)
25 Matematika – ITB (54,6%)
26 Teknik Pertambangan – ITB (54,2%)
27 Teknik Elektro – UNDIP (54,1%)
28 Teknik Industri – UI (54%)
29 Teknik Industri – ITS (53,8%)
30 Farmasi – UNAIR (53,8%)
31 Teknik Mesin – ITB (53,4%)
32 Teknik Penerbangan – ITB (52,9%)
33 Teknik Industri – UNDIP (52,9%)
34 Teknik Elektro – UNBRAW (52,9%
35 Ilmu Komputer – UI (52,8%)
36 Teknik Lingkungan – ITS (52,4%)
37 Pendidikan Dokter – USU (52,1%)
38 Teknik Mesin – UI (52%)
40 Farmasi – UNPAD (51,5%)
41 Teknik Mesin – ITS (51,5%)
42 Arsitektur – UGM (51,4%)
43 Teknik Mesin – UGM (51,4%)
44 Pendidikan Dokter Gigi – UI (51,2%)
45 Pendidikan Dokter – UNAND (50,6%)
46 Arsitektur – ITB (50,3%)
47 Teknik Planologi – ITB (50,1%)
48 Pendidikan Dokter Gigi – UGM (50%)
49 Pendidikan Dokter – UNHAS (50%)
51 Teknik Material – ITB (49,2%)
52 Arsitektur – UNDIP (49,2%)
53 Kimia – ITB (49,1%)
54 Pendidikan Dokter Gigi – UNAIR (49%)
55 Teknik Sipil – ITB (48,7)
56 Teknik Elektro – UNUD (48,5%)
58 Biologi – ITB (47,8%)
59 Teknik Geologi – ITB (47,8%)
60 Pendidikan Dokter Gigi – UNPAD (47,8%)
61 Teknik Mesin – UNDIP (47,8%)
62 Psikologi – UNPAD (47,7%)
63 Teknik Metalurgi dan Material – UI (47,4%)
64 Sistem Informasi – ITS (47,4%)
65 Arsitektur – UI (47,2%)
66 Statistika – UNPAD (47,2%)
67 Biologi – UGM (47,2%)
68 Arsitektur – UNBRAW (47,1%)
Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009
About Yesung Super Junior
My style
01. What did you do today: I met up with my younger brother to eat!
02. What time is your curfew: Nighttime is always my curfew!
03. What is your favorite season: Autumn
04. What color best represents you: Red
05. When it rains, how do you feel: Effortlessly gloomy
06. What music do you like: But there's no genre to choose from
07. What was your latest dream: Nothing
08. What's your favorite song to sing: Inside my heart
09. What is the latest new song you've sung in karoke: Fate
10. Is there something you do regularly when you sleep: I snore.
11. Your preferred type of food: I eat everything. (Lit. I'm an omnivore.)
12. Dieting is hard, so what do you eat before you starve yourself: Carrots!
13. Is there something you want to eat right now: Nope
14. When you're by yourself, what do you do: Listen to music
15. What is your fondest memory of travelling: That the whole world was before me
16. When you are at a party, is there a particular song you sing: Carrot!
17. When are you bored: When I have nothing to do.
18. When do you have fun: When I'm with people I like.
19. Do you have a favorite personal motto: Family is the most important.
20. Do you have a journal: I'm writing in it.
01. If you could be the hero of a movie, who would you be: From the Seduction of the Wolf- Jung Tae Sung
02. What would you do with 10,000 won you found on the street: Buy a CD.
03. If you were to die, who would be sad: My family and the members (of Super Junior)?
04. If you were to die, who would be happy: The people that hate me?
05. When you get up in the morning, do you fall back asleep: Absolutely not!
06. If you had a time machine, when to would you go back in time: Junior high school
07. If your soul were adrift, where would you go first: Heaven
08. If you had super powers, what would your power be: Heaven is my super power.
09. Do you believe in past lives: Yes
10. What do you think you were in your past life: A prince
11. If you won 100,000,000 won in the lottery, what would you do with it: Give it to my parents.
12. If you could get plastic surgery, what would you get done: Nose.
13. If you could have three wishes granted, what would you wish for: Happiness, Unification (of Korea probably), and free alcohol Medal of Distinguished Military Service (I guess something like the American Purple Heart) (Okay, I thought the free alcohol was weird too. Sorry ^^)
14. If the world were going to end tomorrow, what would you do today: Go down to Chonan
My Memories
01. Something happy: When we were number one
02. Something sad: When people I like are sad, I am sad too.
03. Memory of possible death: In elementary school, when I was underwater.
04. What was the last thing that made you cry: Secret~!
05. Up until now, are there any prizes you've won: Are there?
06. Up until know, did you think you were really think you were cool or hot: No.
07. What is the stupidest thing you've ever thought: There are way too many.
08. What does rain make you think about: My family
09. When was your first love: 2nd year of junior high school.
10. When was your first kiss: 2nd year of high school.
11. A movie that moved you: Good-bye My Friend
12. Last movie you saw: The Kindness of One's Teacher
13. What do you collect: Pictures, stamps, books, CDs, DVDs, and so many other things!
14. Who do you really want to see: My parents
15. Who is currently precious to you: My family, members, etc. etc.
16. Is there currently anything you want to collect: Only things that I was already collecting (Lit. things I already had, I want to continue with those.)
17. Your most prized possession: The diary I have used since the 1st year of junior high school.
18. Right now, my top priorities are: Music! Singing!
19. What do I need right now: To continue to grow mentally!
20. If Heaven were able to look down from above into your conscience, would you have a reason to be ashamed: I'm not saying anything~
My Dreaming
01. Is there something you would like to be good, even though you might not be very good at it now: Singing!
02. What has been your good fortune since you were born into this world: Becoming a member of Super Junior.
03. In this world, of those you love, who is the most important: My family.
04. Things you would never do to the people you love: Disappoint them or betray them
05. In 10 years, what will I be doing: I will be a singer
06. What is your wish for this year: SuJu's happiness
07. What country would you like to go to: Canada
Credits: jazzler@sjfullhouse + H.O.T.&DBSK
Source: Yehsung's cyworld
• Was obsessed with the historical drama Jumong. And according to him in the 11th episode of Explorers of the Human Body, he loves watching other historical movies and dramas too. Because of this he was nicknamed 'Drakyu' by the other members.
• He was also nicknamed by the other members 'Gamekyu' because he loved playing computer games. Dong Hae even said on one interview when they were in China that he is of professional level when it comes to gaming.
• Nicknamed 'KimKyu' by Heechul because the latter thought the new addition to Super Junior at the time was named Kim Kyu Hyun. Heechul still calls him that as a joke.
• Was said to be and admits he is good at skiing, hence he was once called 'Ski Kyu'. Judging from this he sure has a lot of nicknames.
• Used to share a room with Sungmin and Donghae when he first joined Super Junior. He had no bed so he slept on the floor and played with his computer on the floor. It wasn't until months after that he got his bed, which was placed between Eeteuk and Ryeowook's beds, hence his new room mates.
• When he joined Suju, he became the magnae (youngest) forcing Ryeowook to give up his claim as the magnae although Kim Kibum had actually been the magnae prior to Kyuhyun's addition to the group. Kyuhyun and Ryeowook are considered the magnaes of the group.
• When Super Junior transferred to another dorm, he became room mates with Sungmin again of the 12th floor of the building.
• Loves to imitate other members' voices. Pretty good at it too.
• He hit the bull's eye with an arrow during the 11th episode of Explorers of the Human Body.
• Was featured in the Korean Version of CSJH The Grace's Just for One Day
• Sung Si Kyung and Lee Sok Ra is two of his favorite singers.
• Admires Korean actresses Kim Tae Hee and Jun Ji Hyun.
• He has a sister named Ahra who is 3 years older than him.
• He is nicknamed Lucky by his Thai fans.
• His favorit colors are white, blue, and black
• His favorite foods are pork chops and seafood
• His favorite movies are
• His favorite type of girl has long hair, big eyes, a pair of beautiful legs, and only cares about him
• He loves to bully (one PD termed 'harass') Ryeo wook, Kangin and Yesung . Was actually notorious for bullying some of his hyungs, even though he is the youngest.
• He wears soft contacts lenses and can be seen wearing glasses in practices and some performances
• Has confessed that he suffered a middle ear infection when he was younger thus his hearing on his left ear is impaired.
• So far he has sang in English, Chinese, a little Japanese and Spanish and all with good pronunciations although he is not fluent on any of those languages.
• After his and the 3 other members' accident, all of the members of Super Junior requested to have a break from work because they all felt they could not work when the others were hurt.
• He was supposed to play the basketball flower guy in the Super Junior movie Attack On the Pin-up Boys (2007) but due to the accident, he was replaced by Hankyung instead.
for ss501 new album..